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Article: Kate Holmes - Read Her Story

Kate Holmes - Read Her Story - The Wild Horse Club

Kate Holmes - Read Her Story

Meet Kate Holmes

Introducing Kate Holmes, Kate is a dressage rider, welsh chapel owner and founder member of electronic band client where she was also known as Client A.

I have so much that I owe to Kate, she has been my absolute rock over the years which is why I wanted to launch the brand with her as one of my first ambassadors. Kate is married to music mogul Alan McGee, and I have been a close family friend of theirs for the last 15 years. So much so, that I have spent more Christmas's with them than with my own family.

Kate keeps her beautiful horses at her home near Hay On Wye in Wales. She has an old Edwardian stable block and as well as horses there are chickens, her whippet and farm cats wandering about freely! But don't let the dressage fool you, Kate is a hardcore rider and when I visit her (bear in mind that I live in London and hardly ever ride), she takes me out on a minimum of a 3-hour ride across the incredible welsh National Trust common land the Begwyns . Here we can canter for hours over the top of the Welsh hills, overlooking the majestic Black Mountains and it is always the most magical experience. Even though I can't walk for days afterwards- it is so worth it.

The dancer pendant by The Wild Horse Club is modelled on her horse Dancing Queen ( Queenie). Click here to read the making of. It was an absolute honour to create a pendant inspired by such a magnificent horse and it makes me so happy that so many people will be wearing Queenie around their necks.

Kate started her career in music being in bands Frazier Chorus and Technique before starting the renowned electronic band Client. Not only is she an accomplished musician she is also a businesswoman, an incredible horsewoman and even has a reverend license for her own welsh chapel. here's her interview:

 What is your connection with horses?

 II had my first riding lesson aged 6 in Oxfordshire when I came to the UK and from then on was hooked… I slept, dreamt ponies day and night and I remember even following riders on bridleways to watch - I was obsessed. Every book was a horsey book and I devoured them under the bedclothes at night with a torch! We did not have much money and I had to wait until I was 9 to get my first pony - a New Forest called Dusty - I remember riding him for the first time and he bucked me off 3 times but I didn’t care! I shared him with my 3 sisters and it wasn’t until we moved to Wales that we managed to beg, steal and borrow a continuous stream of naughty ponies and I finally got my dream pony aged 14 and competed in the pony club eventing team.

Where did you grow up?

 Zambia, Great Milton ( Oxfordshire) and south Wales

 Is anyone in your family horsey?

Both my grandmothers were horse lovers…one married a stud owner in Ireland and one rode regularly in Africa with my father, where I was born and lived the first 6 years of my life. My niece is in the Zambian Youth showjumping team and has represented Zambia in the Africa Games.

What's your main passion?

 My Horses - hacking and dressage, yoga, music, films

What are you working on right now?

 I have just finished a cryptocurrency course at the LSE which was a total mind opener! I am also bringing on a young dressage horse and have an Advanced Medium mare who I have just qualified for the winter championships. 

How was lockdown? What has the last year taught you about life?

Live each day to the full, always look on the bright side, broaden your mind, keep fit, healthy and happy. Life is for living.

Can you describe your style?

 A great stylist friend always called my style Russian spy meets English Secretary! I like to dress quite strictly and my favourite outfit would be a pencil skirt, blouse and a pair of small Gucci heels. I also love wearing dressage competition clothes. 

What life advice would you pass on to your 17-year-old self?

 Treasure your youth and try and keep that vibrancy, innocence and self-exploration throughout your entire life. Don’t sweat on the small things always look at the bigger picture and lastly always trust your gut instinct.


You can find Kate on Instagram @katelucyholmes

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